The Band

Juhlin Black

Guitarist, Singer

Eli Courtney


Buck Tooth Jonny


Matthew Foster


About Ghostbridge

Ghostbridge Bio

Ghostbridge is a band from the southern point of 45 at the start of the road in Galveston Texas. Four Strangers meet on chance and fate to form the blend of a new heavy sound with a modern live rock foundation and hip hop verses that set a new standard into the culture with beautiful messages about taking risks in this life, and finding yourself in your actions.

They are currently in Oklahoma working with “Lotus Grove Studio’s” to record their latest EP “Cosmic Dawn”. 

In 2023 they released their First Single “Middle Fingers Up” which is a tribute to the town and time when they first started the band. This song was a hit in the Galveston area reaching 8,346 Streams on their release .The band then pushed the ceiling of their sound with their next single “To the moon” a single that really pushes the edge of the heavy sound they are after.